If you are ever in need of getting your toddlers' attention here's a few ideas....
1. Buy them transformers that are too difficult to transform themselves... they'll need you to make them a "guy" and then make them a "car" and then back again several times!
2. Sweep.... make sure the pile of dirt and debris is right in the middle where they'll be sure to step in it.
3. Clean under the couches... you'll be sure to find lots of toys they had been looking for.
4. Go to the bathroom.... they always find me when I do!
5. Make a phone call.... they seem to have something more important to tell you than whoever you are
talking to.
6. Get on your laptop... especially while trying to type emails so you can lose your train of thought and type the same thing over and over and over again.
7. Get a snack.... make sure it has a really noisy wrapper.... they'll recognize the noise and want some too.
8. Organize the toys... they'll think you are just making a mess and "help" or that its some kind of game...
9. Go start the laundry... by the time you get downstairs and stain treat everything they'll realize you've been gone for 5 minutes and think you are lost.
10. Sit down and read a magazine... you'll find yourself reading the same line over and over again!
Just a few tips in case you need them :)
OK... this made my day!! :) Haley