Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Inside Job documentary film

JDub and I recently watched the documentary Inside Job. While I actually enjoy documentaries... some of you might be thinking WHAT?! But it is something all of you should watch... it is INSANE! It's a film exposing the dirty truth behind the economic crisis of 2008.

I hope I haven't lost all of you. Believe me... when I think of economics I'm thinking it is WAY over my head... but this film really made it easy for me to understand! Grant it... I probably wouldn't be able to relay all the information verbatim... but still. It was very enlightening... and unsettling as well. I mean yea I know there's corruption in politics... who doesn't think that?! But it is truly insane how the men who were pretty much responsible for the economic meltdown are still in some form or another advisers (or in charge) to the people who are in charge of the decisions for our economy still. It is so interconnected... not to mention the professors who are out there teaching everyone about economics are paid so much money to be advisers who knows if they're being paid to say something even if it isn't true. Makes me wonder if there are any honest people out there anymore.......

JDub and I are honest people... In fact JDub found someones wallet a while back. He found a few business cards inside... called the lady and she was so thankful for him being so honest and trying to locate the owner. She happened to be out of town, so he mailed it to her and received a sort of "reward" from her and a thank you note.... just resounding how thankful she was for having someone so honest find it. I mean isn't that what you do if you find a wallet? It's the right thing to do. It isn't yours after all.....

Anyway... I don't want to relay all the details... but you should really watch this film. I was surprised how aesthetically pleasing the overall film was and the music is pretty good too. Added bonus..... Matt Damon is the narrator :)

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)