Do you ever have re-occuring dreams? They say being prego can make you have some weird dreams... and that is VERY true for me. I really don't remember them after the fact though. I just know I wake up and go what?! and then try to get back to bed. But there are some dreams, or certain themes that I dream about more often than others for some reason.
I think I've figured out why this is a re-occuring dream for me... but it is still very weird! The people involved in the dream or places I am at are always changing... but the situation remains the same. I will be trying to talk and can't b/c there is a huge wad of gum stuck to the roof of my mouth. I'm constantly reaching into my mouth and pulling and pulling at the gum... stretching it and thinking I'm getting somewhere... but low and behold, I can't talk b/c the gum is still stuck. No matter how much I pull out... its never ending and I still can't talk! Usually when I wake up from this dream my mouth is very dry, and in fact my own tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth! So that makes sense right? Its still annoying though. You'd think something would click and I'd realize I'm dreaming b/c it keeps happeneing to me?! ... but so far not so much.
Another dream I'm always having is being late for class! I haven't been in "class" in years... high school or college... but I'm still dreaming and freaking out about being late! I have my back-pack but can't find my schedule. I can't figure out where my classroom is. Or I get to a classroom and realize its the wrong one. Ususally I'm trying to walk as fast as I can or run even and am unable to. Its like everything is in slow motion..... I can only move my feet in the slowest way possible. There was a shuttle I would take in college to get to class sometimes, if that's in the dream its usually me trying to run after it and make it on time but I always miss it b/c I can't move any faster!
I know there are lots of dream books out there... or people who can tell you what your dreams really mean.. I dont know if I believe in that or just think its a load... But I do know I've talked about these dreams and I'm not the only one who has some of these themes... I wonder why?!
Do you ever have any repeated dreams?
I have a similar dream about the being late to class and not being able to run fast to get to class...wierd!