Monday, September 14, 2009


This is literally what I wanted to do ALL DAY LONG today... well and yesterday too, come to think of it.. I had a great time visiting friends in Ames and tailgating for the ISU/Iowa game, but this old woman is not use to being up so late!! Friday we didn't go to bed until 2:30 and then we got up at 5:30! I am too old for that stuff I tell you what.

Then of course it doesn't help when you get a cold either. Every time my son wanted to take a nap... I just took one too. Of course that means I got absolutely nothing done today. The house is a pit. I can't even remember the last time I mopped the kitchen floor.... But one thing did make me feel better about everything... watching "Grey Gardens". This is the newer movie, with Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange. It is based on real people... I liked it... don't know if I'd tell everyone I know to go out watch it or anything... but you definitely should see the old documentary first. But what I mean by making me feel better is the fact that those women lived in filth... like squatters.. it was insane. And at one time they had it all! They're even related to Jackie O and were living in a house that should have been condemned! So at least my walls are still intact... I don't have fleas.... or random strays living in my attic peeing all over everything I own!! So yea my house is dirty... but its not that bad!

I of course had to watch this while the husband's out of town. I don't know what he has against her.... but he absolutely loathes Drew Barrymore. I don't really have anything against her.. I mean she's all right... but he can't stand watching anything with her in it. He's gone until Thursday :( and then when he gets back he's leaving again on Friday! Work picked a great week to have him gone.... I had no time to recoup from the weekend, and the son and I are both sick. Not cool......

Let's just hope the week itself goes by alot quicker than today did...

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)