Tuesday, January 14, 2014

All about Ceej 2014

Oh Ceej.... my 2nd born... fire-y red head! You are the feistiest one of the bunch. You have such a fun personality. You are always making friends everywhere we go?! Of all ages as well... girls, boys... teenagers... grandmas... they all love you. You are a cutie so that doesn't surprise me.

I'm wondering how you are going to do once your brother isn't around all the time next year. You two have so much fun playing each morning. I'm sure you and Miss M will have fun when your brother is away though. You are my best eater! You will try anything w/o hesitation, and you even love salad :) You are the best greeter when we return home! You are always running to the door when you hear it open yelling "DADDY! YOU'RE HOME!!!" and giving great hugs and even kisses sometimes.

Out of the blue you will come up and say "I love you Mommy" and hug me. It is so sweet. You are still such a loving brother. If Miss M is upset you will sing her songs or be silly and try to make her laugh. She loves you so much! And you feel great sympathy when we hurt ourselves... you'll be like "Mommy I'm sorry you hurt your lip are you ok?"

For some reason I have much more patience with you than your older brother (some think its b/c Bubba and I are so much alike). Even though you can be a stubborn little thing at times... refusing to go potty before we leave the house, or wear your coat... in general I can make you see why you need to listen to us w/o coming unglued.

You fall asleep in the weirdest places... at the craziest times... you almost always fall asleep in the car when picking Bubba up from school. I could put together a 15 minute slide-show of pictures of you passed out in various places :)

You LOVE taking baths. It is probably your favorite thing to do (besides playing Lego Star Wars). Even when the water turns cold you are still playing in there, not wanting to get out. Speaking of Lego Star Wars.... you are VERY good at it?! Especially at being R2-D2 and flying around. I'm impressed!

You really like girl toys (and I'm ok with that). You stole your (girl) cousin's princess slippers b/c they fit you better than her at the time. You enjoy "taking care of the babies" and are easily fascinated looking at pretty princesses. You really enjoyed the Tinkerbell movie too!

You are a sweet heart and I am proud of the little man you are becoming. You are pretty self-sufficient; you get dressed, brush you teeth, go potty, get a snack, all by yourself most of the time! And when you do need help you are usually good about asking nicely after trying first :)

You are a cutie and I can't believe you are going to be 4 in a few months?! I love you!

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)