Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well here we are... its spring... but once again everyone in my household is sick... I know I know... what? How could you all be sick AGAIN?! But alas.... we are... At least I took in little Ceej and he was able to start on some antibiotics. I'm not all about medicating kids... but when you're sick this much... and for this long.. I want him to get on something that will get him better faster!

Seriously.. I wish I would have written down all the times we've been sick so far this year... We were all sick over Christmas too... But we were sick around my sister's baby shower (January)... then I have record of taking Bubba to the Dr. on Feb 22.... When I went to Ikea I was still sick (March 5) and now once again... St Patrick's Day and still now we are sick... Keep in mind these sicknesses lasted well over a week each time...I wish the weather would warm up and stop raining so I could do some heavy duty Spring Cleaning! Its much needed around here! I just need the energy to do it too...

So enough of my complaining... along with that I thought I would drop some updates on the boys!!! Since there's really nothing new with me.

He now has an obsession with puzzles! We've had a few wooden puzzles for a while... but while I was at the dollar store I came across this spiderman/hulk/wolverine puzzle. He really likes spiderman and hulk so I thought it would be great for him. It's just one of those cardboard cut-out piece puzzle, it was only 25 pieces. He kinda bended the pieces at first.. so I had to teach him we don't do that if we want to keep doing the puzzle! But after a few times with help, he's able to do it all by himself now! I tell you what for a few days that was the best $1 I ever spent! He would sit quietly at the table focusing in on his puzzle until it was complete! And then he'd smile and wait for me to look at him after he was finished.. then with a big grin he would say "I did it!" He'd do it over and over like 5 times. Now since then we have aquired more puzzles... most of which he is able to do on his own. I figured I'd challenge him a little more and got him a 48 piece (Cars, which he can do on his own as well...) and a 60 piece state puzzle. All but one were $1!!! Great investments if I say so myself. After a meal its like his little ritual go to pick one out and do it at the table. Its nice b/c it gives me a chance to clean up and what not :) One of the funniest parts is he sings the Oompa loompa song while doing his puzzle... the whole "oompa loompa doompa dee doo, I've got another puzzle for you..." (Thanks to Grandma for taking him to Willy Wonka!)

Oh my little man Ceej... he is sooo cute. I remember thinking Bubba was the cutest thing when he was little... but I dunno Ceej just might be even cuter! He loves to shake his booty! It all started with Ellen of course. We pretty much watch her every morning and I make a point to turn up the music and dance along with her. I encourage the boys to dance along too! Ceej did  it on his own! He just likes to groove. We put a radio in the pantry and he'll go over to it, start banging on the door and then shake his little butt. Basically saying "Come on Mommy! Its time for a dance party?!" He has finally got some teeth!!! Just 3.. but still. He is working on walking too. He can't stand on his own for long periods of time, and he's taken a couple of steps but he just basically goes from standing to squatting to crawling. I can't believe he's going to be 1 next month!

Ok I was thinking nothing was new with me... but then I remembered something. I'm working on writing some kids books... mainly I was doing it b/c JDub said he was thinking about it and I was thinking about it too. So I thought hmmm if we're both thinking about the same thing... maybe I should! I've almost finished one... and I've kind of started another.

Anywho, that's about it... I have a new sewing project I really want to try but need to go garage saleing or goodwill shopping before I can!

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)