Thursday, March 5, 2015

Gearing up for a My Little Pony party!

I don't know who likes My Little Pony's more... me... or the kids?! It's just such a cute show. I even took the "which my little pony are you" quiz and turns out I'm Pinkie Pie! (which happens to be Miss M's favorite!)

My Little Pony Quiz

After some thought I decided to go with a My Little Pony party for Miss M. I'm still figuring out a few things... but here are some cute shirts the boys and I made!

put a little paint on a toothbrush and flick it!

Of course Bubba is "too cool" to wear his shirt... he's going to save it for her birthday party.... But oh well. He did have fun painting. Ceej on the other hand could care less what people think of him (which is kind of awesome) and he wore it to school already! Oh the days of innocence are already dwindling...... It makes me a little sad. Bubba said "I don't want anyone to make fun of me because it's a pony shirt..."

I'm thinking of just doing cupcakes b/c well Pinkie Pie just loves cupcakes... and since her bday is on Easter this year we are doing an Easter egg hunt. The girl is only 2... not gonna go too crazy.

About Me

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I stay with my children day in and day out. It's a 24/7 job. They are my life... along with my husband and kitty-cat! We have a simple life, and owe it all to God! I'm just trying to stay sane and keep my typing skills up to par.... hope you enjoy my rants :)