I have never been much for giving up something for lent... I dunno.. it just seemed weird to me. Probably b/c I know myself pretty well and I slip up way too easy. But for the record... let it be known I have given up plenty of things (nitrates, egg nog, wine, beer, sushi, the GOOD cold meds that actually work....) being preggo three times now.... and for a lot longer than 40 days at a time! I do feel like I should get some kind of recognition for that... maybe just a "Holla!!!" or "you go girl!"....
All kidding aside.... this year is going to be a little different. Our church is doing this together! Its not just me trying to give something up on my own, but we're working as a family. So, for the next 40 days.... there will be no George before bedtime! Yep.. that's right... our usual, lazy night ritual of watching 22 minutes of uninterrupted Curious George snuggled on the couch with our instant Netflix is coming to an end! At least for 40 days. I have to admit I'm going to miss my lazy parenting... but instead we will be spending that time reading in our Bibles! Our boys just love their Bibles! I have to admit Ceej's has seen better days.... (it was a hand-me-down from Bubba...)
heeeey duct-tape!! |
David and Goliath is a definite read each night; one of the boys' favorites. I can't say I blame them either! After all they are little boys, always trying to "get the bad-guys".
I never really thought about what you should do with that time you'd usually spend doing the thing you are giving up. Ya know? I just thought it was enough to stop doing whatever it is... but I get it now. You need to replace that time spent "watching George" with something more fulfilling and meaningful. I know the boys really like watching George, so I have a feeling some nights it might be a struggle. But we're trying to put it in their hearts to want to spend more time with God.
JDub and I are giving some stuff up too. We usually veg out in front of the TV after the boys go down for bed. Most of the time its some show or other... or something on our instant Netflix. But we've decided to forgo that... and instead we'll do our own devotions, or reading. Maybe not for the entire time we'd be watching a movie... but at least for part of the time.
It's been working out pretty well! Technically we have about 34 days left... We've had some great discussions (JDub and I) and the boys don't seem to mind not watching George at night. We still watch him occasionally during the day, but night-time is reserved for God!
Are you giving up anything?!